Thursday, April 29, 2010

Basic rules to play Poker

Poker is the name given to several card games in which players bet depending on the cards they hold. Poker is a game with a "boat" Community, formed by the sum of the bets of the players that is delivered to the player who has the best hand or making a bet is not matched by their opponents.
Before playing poker you must have to keep the poker rules in your mind.
All poker games begin with a forced bet in which players compete. In Seven Card Stud, there are two forced bets, a "before" and "bring-in". In Texas Hold'em and Omaha, the forced bets are the small blind and big blind. In any basic game of poker, players bet strategically using various actions available. These actions are:
1. CHECK (CHECK) - If there is a bet on the current betting round, a player can pass (check). Should he make the action to continue to the next player immediately to the left. Skip causes no right to miss the boat, only the current right to bet. If all players check during a round of betting, the round is considered complete.
2. BET (BET) - If there is a bet on the current betting round, a player can bet. If a player bets, the player immediately to the left of it (and all following players) can pull the cards, the bet or raise the bet.
3. FOLD (FOLD) - The act of withdrawing or pulling the cards makes you lose all rights to the current pot. A player who throws the cards should not and are allowed to bet money on the poker hand today.
4. CALL (CALL) - If there has been a bet in the current round, a player can call that bet. The act of calling the wager requires the player to match the bet made by his (s) opponent (s).
5. UP (RAISE) - If there has been a bet on the current betting round, a player can raise the bet. The act of raising the bet requires the player to match the current bet, and then more. All the following players will see the rise or raise the bet again (re-raise) to continue fighting for the pot.

In each round, betting continues until the person acting on the left of the last person to have bet or raised the ante. When this person acts, the next round begins or completes the hand.

When matching the last bet or raise in the final round, there is the "showdown" (show cards). At this time determines the winner of the pot, as players show their hands one by one. It might be that there is no showdown. This can happen when a player bets or raises, and no active player matches the bet (in other words, all players throw the cards). In this case, the player has bet or raise that takes the whole pot.
Basic game of poker "table stakes" and "all-in"

The basic game of poker is played normally with the call table stakes. This means that over the hand can only use the chips that were in play at the beginning of each hand. The rule table stakes rule has an application called "all-in" which dictates that a player can not be forced to give up a poker hand by the fact of not having enough chips to call a bet. A player without enough chips to call a bet is declared all- In. The player can win up part of the boat containing his last bet. The subsequent actions of other players took part in a separate boat, which can not be won by a player in the state of all-in.

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