Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to play Keno - keno rules

Lovers, like lotto and conventional lotteries, loved to play keno. According to historical research, as a lottery, Keno appeared a couple of thousand years ago in ancient China. Curiously, the then Chinese emperor brought the lottery to fund another war. Instead of raising taxes, he gave citizens an opportunity to receive prizes, participate in a lottery. At that time, determined to win the hand of one hundred and twenty characters. The effect was beyond all praise. The game is so liking to the Chinese that in the future due from the sale of lottery proceeds financed the construction of the Great Wall.
With immigration to the U.S. in the late nineteenth century, Chinese immigrants brought with them and the lottery, which soon became known as the "Chinese lottery". Of course, for greater promotion of the game was simplified to 80 characters, and in mid-twentieth century, led to the casino instead of characters and figures began to call the game "Keno - Racing Horses. Thus, the players seemed to have grown to bet on a horse.
The objective of Keno
To play the game using the playing field in a table which is filled with 80 numbers (from 1 the particle up to 80). During one game released 20 random numbered balls. The player before the game puts on you, what will fall out. To do this, on the playing field crossed out or allocated the estimated number. The maximum number of digits that can be pointed out - 15-Th. Depending on how many digits have been guessed, different and the win.
When the game is to remember about the fact that in keno can not in any way affect the probability of winning. Play just for fun, for the thrill of a possible imminent victory.
Know that:
- Each number random. In Keno there are no "bars". That fact that a number is not fallen in this drawing, does not increase the chance of it falling in the next;
- There are no "happy combination". Set as pleases. You can bet on the number of car model, year of his wife, the number of kittens a cat's neighbor. If you want these numbers can not be changed from drawing to drawing.
- Win a higher amount can be, if put on a small number of numbers. But the more you can win, putting the maximum number of numbers that gives the player more chances to win, but correspondingly reduces the size of the prize.

The rules of this game resemble the traditional rules of bingo lottery ticket, but at the same time have some significant differences - the player selects the numbers on which he relies, and the number of marked player numbers may be different (from 1 to 15 numbers - Tea Room). Then, depending on the number of rooms marked change adopts a prize table, which makes the game more interesting. Keno - a game of casino, where the gain is not determined based on the total bets made by players, and on fixed odds set forth in the table payments. The playing field consists of 80 rooms and from 1 to 80, inclusive. During the circulation of lototron falls 20 balls numbered from 1 to 80 inclusive. A player may mark not less than 1 room, but not more than 15 rooms simultaneously. Then, depending on how many numbers the player will celebrate on the field to determine the payoff will be applied in conformity "with the table payments. "Table payments", which odds are displayed depending on the number of matching based on circulation numbers and the number of marked player numbers.
After each played a game, you can reserve already selected numbers, or select at its discretion, new. Various options are available at rates as you make your bets, but you can not mention more than 15 rooms. Various randomly generated variants of bets, you can get when you click on "Random". To start the game it must be noted on the playing field from 1 to 15 numbers, or click on the "Random". You must then choose the amount bet on which will be a game. Then click on "1 game to play. If you want to play with marked numbers was conducted for five continuous rounds in a row, click on the "5 games, if ten rounds in a row, click on the" 10 games "- in these cases by the end of each regular games will begin next (after a pause in 3 seconds). In the event of a winning combination, the win depends on the combination, which was displayed in the table payments ", and the winning results of the games shown in the results table on the right side of the machine. The winnings will appear in the information window in the lower right corner, depending on the bet. And only in the casino when choosing just 15 rooms, in case of no coincidence not one combination, the player is payed 10:1 (ten times), depending on the perfect bet. To quit the game you must click on the button "Lobby".

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